My Pick Up Artist System

Chapter 183 They parted as fiends

Chapter 183 They parted as fiends

After Ben and Olivia cleaned up some, they laid on his bed a while, among the smells and bodily fluids, exhausted, like a cumshot at the end of its flight...

Glancing at the school beauty next to him, Ben reflected on their ironic twists and turns, in their relationship, and in bed... Not long ago, she’d struggled against him in class, engaging in a match of wits. Now—she snuggled against him with her ass—engaging with her snatch and tits.


On top of all that, was Ben...who also changed. After this experience, he gained some vicissitudes...on his face and mushroom tip...

He sighed. ’In this world, there is no forever enemy nor forever friend...’

He understood the truth of that idiom with perfect accuracy. It meant he could sleep with anyone.


As for this special encounter with Olivia, it was momentous in helping him grow as a person and as a man, because he’d gotten the enemies become lovers tag...

Ben smiled because he knew this was the peak of web novel character development...

He was also proud of this accomplishment because it had sentimental value, and meant something to him on a personal level. ’More tags means more popularity...’

In his mind, more popularity signified his story wouldn’t get dropped...which meant he wouldn’t disappear into the bottomless black hole of cookie-cutter characters...

That wasn’t a place he wanted to go sight-seeing...

In that scenario, Ben didn’t think he’d be lucky enough to end up in a Dave \\u0026 Buster’s style tesseract...

So, for him, it didn’t get much more personal and sentimental than avoiding that. It wasn’t a bad goal either, considering the best case scenario would’ve been the black hole taking a spacetime-poo with him as a peanut...

After which he’d be dumped back into the galactic sewers of Earth from that future-toilet...

Of course, he’d get to see his aged dying daughter there, a long cherished desire of his, only for her to shoo him away and patronize him...despite having ridden on the pogo stick of his accomplishments her entire life...

Not even a "What happened?" or a "Thank you for saving humanity" or "Hey, tell me how you time-traveled, or maybe about that black hole you jumped into..."

Instead, she’d tell him to get f*cked and take a space-Uber to another galaxy for the most desperate booty call of all time...

Driving an hour for a chance to get laid was already sad enough, but his nearest tinder match would show the distance in light-years...

Then, during the entire trip, he’d be in that spaceship wondering, "How’d my deathbed daughter even know about my side-piece?"


By far, the biggest issue of all though, was that by the time he got there, would the photos even still be accurate?


She already photoshopped them from the start!


It was a lot of work for an old and possibly fat Anne Hathaway...yet Christopher Nolan movies always carried deep thematic messages. In this case, it was that the protagonist liked gilfs.


It was understandable though, since after milf, gilf was the peak-stage of the female cultivation realm.


’Nope...nope, nope, nope...’ Ben wanted to avoid all that...

Putting aside his deep desire to live, and to do so with a little dignity...Ben would also admit the encounter with Olivia itself was very enjoyable. That unusual contorted shape on the ground...he still imagined her there, and felt that position was divine. ’Man proposes Heaven’s d*ck-poses...’

It was a winning proposition...

Ben liked giving pleasure to women but he also wanted to have sex in the manner he preferred. He knew that in order to do that though, he’d have to be assertive in bed, because strong women like Olivia would only accept being placed in submissive positions like that by more powerful men. It wasn’t at all attractive for women for someone weaker to dominate them, and that was true in any situation. Ben didn’t think there was anything wrong with his approach either. ’If you respect her, don’t fuck her. If you fuck her, don’t respect her!’


Maybe not every girl would mesh with his style, but that was impossible in any scenario. Rather than changing himself to appease others, Ben was starting to prefer imposing his own will. If someone rejected it, then that was their loss.

As for Olivia, she was still deep in thought about how Ben made her orgasm, her analytical nature driving her curiosity. "Tell did you do that?"

He sighed. This was already the third time she asked him. The first two times he responded with a confident smirk...because he didn’t know how to tell her that his penis was "enhanced by a system..."

However, when he considered it further, Ben realized that with Olivia’s peculiar gullibility, he might be able to say something like that and have her believe it. So, he paraphrased. "I told you already--magic... I’ve got that magical golden d*ck."


She stared at him for a long time, before sighing... "So that’s what it was."


’F*ck, she really believed it...’ He blinked.

With no clues to possible alternatives, Olivia couldn’t come up with a better explanation for Ben’s abilities and unnatural physical strength. As such, with him admitting it now, she accepted it; at least until evidence to the contrary presented itself.

She didn’t know what magic meant... Yet, Olivia would be the first to admit Ben’s fingers and cock were most unusual... Of course, the biggest factor in her acceptance was still that she was a Brit and J.K. Rowling poisoned her mind...

The interesting thing in this case though, was that Ben’s statement was true... He was magically-juiced to the gills...

Meanwhile, as she ran circles in her head, he was thinking of a more urgent matter. ’That was fun, but I’ve got a lot of points to check. How do I get her to bounce?’


Even bees didn’t hang around the flowers and talk about feelings after they pollinated...

Ben didn’t have to wonder too long though, since Olivia soon climbed out of bed herself, got dressed, and prepared to leave. There were still many things on her to-do list and she hated wasting time. Before exiting, she turned around to look at Ben for a moment. With her famous frigid face that came back as if it never left, she only dropped a few parting words, "See you in class." Then, she walked out.

Hearing the door slam, with what he knew of her personality and values, Ben didn’t know if he’d ever see her in private like this again. As far as his feelings about that, he wasn’t clear...because he’d been staring at his system screen for minutes now...

Olivia also moved on with her day, not thinking of Ben again until she went to the library and couldn’t enter because she lost her NYU ID somewhere... Still, she preferred to get a new one rather than go back, because when she imagined visiting his dorm room again, she feared it would once again spend too much of her time... Her priorities didn’t allow for such dickstractions...

As for Ben, after cleaning his room a bit, he’d moved on to his bottom b*tch—the lovely system... It was time to go over the rewards, and as usual, he started with the achievements.


[Congratulations! You’ve unlocked the Achievement: World’s Oldest Female Professional League(common) - Exchange something for a repeatable achievement sex act]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points + 100]

’So much better than the WNBA...’

Ben shook his head. ’Putting that side, why does this achievement make me sound like a simp?’

Soon, he let it slide though, because Olivia was the one who started it, making it entrapment... ’ the eyes of the law...’

Ben also noticed that he got points for this despite the system making it very clear early on that she didn’t allow paypigging for the first death challenge. So it seemed a potential class-branch now opened for him to go window-shopping for hookers and dine like a swine...

However, Ben didn’t have much interest. In New York, not only did attractive prostitutes cost a fortune, prices he couldn’t afford, but it wasn’t something that appealed to him. He was getting it without paying now, after all. Why rent the milk, when you could steal it from the cuckold farmer for free...

Of course, he didn’t have to spend big. He could always buy unattractive girls with bottom dollar...

Ben didn’t think that was viable though for a good reason; The last time he took out some overweight classmates for a platonic lunch date, the system gave him a deduction. He interpreted that as a warning. Ben was confident that if he tried to sleep with some, and even worse—pay for them, the system would come down on him hard.

Although he didn’t understand the details of the selection process for the rewards and punishments, the system seemed to have enough freedom within her functions and already made her preferences clear. As such, he knew it wasn’t a good idea to gain points by grinding time in a lard mine...

Ben even guessed the only reason he received this achievement was that Olivia was such a beauty. So, in essence, he believed all this meant one crucial thing--it was the system that was shallow, not him.


Ben only cared about inner beauty...

That is, what was under the clothes.


If the circumstances ever changed though, and this was hypothetical, within the realm of theory now, he might very well consider picking up women at Walmart.


[Congratulations! You’ve unlocked the Achievement: Hard Bargain(common) - Succeed in negotiating with a woman for better terms for a repeatable achievement sex act]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points + 100]

Ben smirked. Besides for the blowjob, there was the additional pleasure of having gotten a good deal...

As for which was more satisfying, hard to say...

[Congratulations! You’ve unlocked the Achievement: Sharon Stoning(repeatable, fine) - Get a blowjob from a new woman to completion]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points + 200]

Although it wasn’t a lot of points, seeing this achievement still made Ben’s smile widen because he wasn’t sure he’d get it. The system only counted the highest-worth repeatable achievement during a sexual encounter, so in this case, since they had sex not long after, he didn’t know if the blowjob in class would count. In the end, the system calculated it as a separate encounter though. "Niiicceee..."

[Congratulations! You’ve unlocked the Achievement: Peeping Tom While Eating Hram(uncommon) - Attain a repeatable achievement for a sex act while someone watches]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points + 200]

Reading this, Ben stopped thinking of all his remaining rewards, and turned pale...

"Who was it?!?" His heart sped up because this wasn’t a small problem! It was no fapping matter...

In fact, he feared it would be disastrous! If they took a photo, he could get in huge trouble! The consequences were terrible!

No, worse than terrible! It was the most ineffective red herring of all time!


*Author’s Note: Thank you for everything! With your support, we’ve stabilized in the top 10 at last, are at the top of most of the other rankings, have over 3 million views now and over 1600 readers in privilege--3rd highest in ML!

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